What would you finally do if you had unlimited (STYLE) CONFIDENCE? Write that book? Start that biz? Quit your 9 to 5 job?
We all lack confidence from time to time. But living in a constant state of low confidence can leave you feeling stuck and helpless, held prisoner by your own limiting beliefs, and fearful of taking risks or trying something new because you think you will fail, end up looking stupid, or get hurt. It will keep you in your comfort zone because that’s where you feel safe.
I have been working as a stylist for many years and have observed time and again that individual style not only boosts our self-confidence but also impacts how the world perceives us. In psychology, this is referred to as “enclothed cognition” and describes the systematic influence that clothes have on the wearer’s mental and emotional processes. Simply put: what we wear influences who we are and how we feel or act.
Learning more about yourself and your style is the first step to feeling confident. Knowledge creates clarity and clarity equals confidence. It’s when we feel unsure that negative self-talk creeps up, affecting our body image and having us focus on failure.
I want to share with you four secret strategies I teach my clients inside The Aligned Closet Formula that will help you rethink your own style and avoid slipping into style habits that might not serve you.
Train your mental style muscle
If you believe you already found your personal style, it requires a lot of courage to let go of the things that have become habitual. But staying in your comfort zone will not necessarily take you any closer to your goals.
Quick fix: Instead of completely reinventing your style, I encourage you to take baby steps. Resolutions can help you here: for example, if you wear only black, pledge never to buy black things from now on. As a result, you will automatically make more conscious decisions about colors and which colors you enjoy.
Embrace your uniqueness
Take note from Carrie Bradshaw: if you love your high-heels, wear them, come rain or shine! And For an interesting style, signature pieces are more important than zeitgeist.
Quick fix: Accessories are an amazing way to make your outfit unique. Do you find that you always get complimented about your shoes by co-workers? Is your handbag collection the first thing your friends want to borrow? Whatever this “unique factor” is, consider it your signature piece.
Don’t copy-and-paste
The social media world is a never-ending source of inspiration, but hardly anyone seems immune to its psychological consequence: passiveness. The tendency to subconsciously program one's own taste is inherent in human nature. After all, we are social beings and want to fit in, but copying someone's style will not bring you any closer to finding your authentic style.
Quick fix: Try a social media detox for at least one week.
Step away from your own fashion rules
The more we age, the more fashion rules we impose on ourselves: I don’t wear gold. Skinny jeans don’t look good on me. I’m not the dress type. Turtlenecks make me look old. And the list goes on.
Quick fix: Make a list of the fashion rules you impose on yourself, and then do the opposite for a week. The chances you will come up with some creative outfit ideas and find a more unique style is high. I guarantee it!
As a bonus for more confidence, try saying this mantra: